PLEASE would able-bodied people, who are too lazy to walk more than 50-yards, think of the consequences of their actions when parking in designated bays for the disabled.

This can have a huge impact on disabled people, causing pain and distress by having to find a parking spot close to the store or bank, then having to walk to the entrance.

Some disabled people cannot walk and rely on helpers to get into wheelchairs, putting extra strain on everyone concerned. Some disabled people have good days but have to use sticks or crutches on bad ones, and having to walk an extra 50-yards can make a big difference.

Disabled people must display their blue badges in designated areas so that these lazy people don't have an excuse such as "I won't be a moment", or "I am waiting for someone". I have been ignored by some of these people, and if they had to suffer the pain and distress they cause, perhaps they would think twice.

Parents with babies and toddlers also have their own designated areas, but unless they are disabled and coping with children, as I do, their problems are not the same.

