ANTHONY Mann is way off the mark regarding Fairfield Hospital (Letters, August 20).

I have no objection to strongly-held views but wild allegations are no substitute for considered thought and careful analysis and it is unfair to misrepresent others' views. Certainly I have never said what he alleges.

As someone who has lived adjacent to Fairfield Hospital since 1969, I was and still am well aware of the nature of Rochdale Old Road. Indeed, when the developments at Fairfield were proposed I told the Trust and the health authority not to underestimate potential traffic problems.

However, after listening to all the debate my personal view was that the people of Bury deserved the £25million investment proposed to improve the hospital services and make them more efficient.

The opponents to the scheme, many of them opposed for their own personal political reasons, engaged in a disgraceful campaign of scaremongering. I also remember the meeting at St Bede's when it was stated that "patients would die in ambulances; unborn babies would be put at risk" etc. The messengers of doom have been shown to be wrong.

Regarding the current debate, suffice it to say that anyone can express a view. No-one is "gagged" and certainly not by me. Furthermore, I know of no plans to close Fairfield but if there were I would certainly be at the front of any campaign to ensure its survival.


leader of the council.