AH, nostalgia! On reading about the two Tory councillors reported to the Standards Board by the Labour group, memories flooded back about how our council.

In my view, broke their own rules regarding the extra budgetary expense incurred in the primary schools closure programme, the brainchild of Executive member Councillor Steve Perkins.

The complaint at the time was that they failed to allow full council to vote on the extra cost, something their constitution demands. Surely then, the Labour-led council executive should all have been reported to the Standards Board for this failure, which ultimately led to a High Court challenge?

If the Labour group expect other parties to abide by the rules and regulations, then they should practise what they preach!

Interestingly, Bury's tax-paying public has never been given a final figure for the cost of the school closure programme. Just what did it cost to close and/or amalgamate the schools involved in Coun Perkins' Strategic Review of Primary School Places?

Presumably, the figures are now finalised and we can all be told about the massive savings? Which schools benefited from monies supposedly saved by the closures and by how much? In the interests of openness, transparency and high standards, principles to which our council so obviously aspire, surely now is the time for some facts to be disclosed? Could anyone from the town hall enlighten us, the public, via this Letters page?