AS chairman of the Bury Agricultural Show (horticultural section), I am replying to the stinging criticism from Margaret Whittaker (Letters, July).

I too was disappointed with the number of entries in both the flower and vegetable sections, and at one time felt like closing the marquee doors and going home but fortunately a few people, including Mr Tyson, turned up with their exhibits. To them I give my thanks.

People cannot be forced to enter so I have to hope they turn up on the day. However, judging by the number of people who asked for next year's schedule, I feel I can guarantee a better display for the next show. The schedules will be available from May 1, 2005, at most garden centres, or by contacting me on 01204 884954.

I have tried my best to make the horticultural section more easy-going and attractive to the ordinary gardener, rather than just the professional and specialist growers. There is also a children's class which, hopefully, will make it more of a family show.

Margaret Whittaker stated that she had been to many shows and fairs but Bury was one of the most amateurish. The committee members are not paid but put in a large amount of hard work to make the show a success.

Would Margaret Whittaker perhaps consider entering something herself and contributing to the show? If she doesn't have time or room to grow a few plants and vegetables, perhaps she could bake some scones or biscuits, which would be appealing to the many thousands of loyal fans who turn up each year.


Booth Street,
