STAFF at Two Porches School, Atherton, were planning to surprise the children on their return to school next week.

Two weeks ago they had a small water feature the pupils had requested installed in their sensory garden.

But when deputy head teacher, Carole Jay, went into the Gloucester Street school on Monday she was horrified to discover that callous thieves had scaled the high fence and ripped the barrel and tap complete with wires from the wall.

The sad thing is the school had raised the £150 needed for the work through sales and donations and the older children were looking forward to being able to watch and listen to the water at lunchtime and playtimes.

Some mean spirited ne'er do well has obviously spotted the work being done and thought they could improve their own garden or make a few bob.

I hope whoever has robbed the children, who all have learning difficulties, of this little bit of joy can sleep at night. And if anyone has seen a new water feature like the one described appear in the vicinity in the last week just think where it might have come from.

If the thief has any heart he'll return it to the school.