LEADERS in Pendle today vowed to carry on improving the area, a year on from the formation of a new group which has boosted the borough and created 700 new jobs.

Pendle's Community Strategy, a plan set up to improve Pendle, has celebrated its first birthday.

And, by following the aims laid out in the strategy, civic and business bosses have helped to bring new jobs, firms, and community schemes into the area. But Pendle Partnership, the group behind the Community Strategy, wants to draw up a list of even more aims and objectives which could ensure future prosperity for Pendle.

After celebrating the first anniversary of the strategy, the Partnership is now reviewing its priorities and progress. And a series of consultation meetings with residents is under way to see how the strategy can be taken forward.

Partnership chairman Dennis Mendoros said: "On the first anniversary of the launch of Pendle Community Strategy we want to know if people think we have got it right and what our priorities should be for the next year.

"The Community Strategy covers a wide range of issues, but we can't do it all at once. We need people to tell us what they think the most important issues are for us to concentrate on over the next few years."