THE fight is on to attract broadband users with the announcement that Wanadoo are offering a cheap high-speed service.

Wanadoo, formerly known as Freeserve, have launched a 1Mbps service for £17.99, which is twice as fast as standard 512Kps broadband.

There are restrictions on the amount of data you can download, but it is likely that many firms will match or try to better the deal in the near future.

IF you are hoping to get away for a few days over the Bank Holiday weekend then make sure you plan your route beforehand.

The Highways Agency website ( offers a simple way of seeing where possible problems lie on the route ahead.

They have a map of road works, traffic congestion points and tips on planning your journey so that you avoid busy periods on the road network.

FORGET all your Playstation games and X Box shoot-em-ups - what you really want to play is a game of pong.

That classic of computer games can be found at the Pong 4D website (

And what's great about this version is that four people can play so you can have your very own championships.

SOME controversy from Athens, where athletes have been told that they are not allowed to post their own thoughts or photos on the web, at least not until the games are over.

The organisers said the commercial rights of TV companies and news outlets had to be protected, and "unauthorised" coverage of the games on athletes' personal web sites was out of the question.