DAVE Holden left Mallory Park with mixed emotions after missing out on a record seventh win in the annual Stan Cooper Memorial race.

The Great Harwood racer had to concede victory to Steve Ibbotson in a hard-fought eight-lapper at the Leicstershire track.

But Holden and passenger Graham Holgate, from Billington, still had a taste of the victory champagne when they won the consolation race later.

"I really wanted the Stan Cooper Memorial, but my two-stroke Ireson couldn't match the outright power of Ibbotson's big four-stroke outfit -- and it cost £45,000!,"said Holden afterwards.

"It was frustrating because I was quicker through the corners, but he just accelerated away from me on the straights.

"I know I've won it six times already, but Stan was a good friend and I don't like the idea of anyone else with the trophy!"

Still revved up at missing out on the big race, the pair were in no mood to lose the final consolation race.

He added: "We just go our heads down and cleared off. In fact, when it came to the final lap, we slowed down to give the marshals a wave before taking the chequered flag."

Holden and Holgate are in action again this weekend, paying their second visit of the season to the little-known Tonfanau circuit in Wales.