RESIDENTS being terrorised by drunken yobs have called on police to install mobile CCTV cameras to help make them feel safer.

People living in the Hammond Avenue area of Stacksteads raised their concerns at a meeting held at Acre Mill Baptist Church.

Chaired by Rossendale's MP Janet Anderson and attended by Community Beat Manager Alex Downham and local councillor Michael McShea, locals appealed for help in tackling the growing problem.

One lady who lives alone in Brearley Street said her car and property had been made a constant target.

The woman, who asked not to be identified for fear of reprisals, said: "After six months of listening to abuse I decided, very hesitantly, that I was going to contact the police. I reported seven separate incidents which was extremely distressing for me to report them because I was frightened of the retaliation.

"I had eggs thrown at my front door and at my car and I had my car vandalised several times. It got to the point that I had to go out and buy blinds because the kids were hanging out outside my house and intimidating me."

Another resident who lives in Hammond Avenue added: "The answer would be to fine the parents. These kids are going out buying alcohol and making our lives hell around here.

"We need cameras that the children won't be able to vandalise so that the police have evidence of the behaviour and can take action."

Coun McShea called on more volunteers to come forward and help provide activities for the area's youngsters.

PC Downham said: "We are looking at possibly getting mobile cameras that can be plugged into a lamp post."

"As with all things this takes time and can't happen overnight. They are a useful tool and can provide us with evidence when we go to see parents or if the matter gets taken further and goes to court.

Janet Anderson plans to go to Parliament and ask for an extension to the GRIP scheme, which is run by police to help encourage better parenting by supporting families with problem children.