BURNLEY could soon have a new park.

Burnley Council has set money aside to refurbish Brunswick Street ball court and extend the play area on to a large clearance site next to it.

A public meeting to discuss the plans was held at Burnley Wood One Stop Shop, in Springfield Road.

The council is responding to complaints raised by Burnley Wood Community Action Group (BWCAG) about the state of the play area, whichhas one goal post, no lighting and a grass area that residents say is covered in dog dirt. Brian Fenn, chairman of BWCAG, said young people in the area desperately needed better play facilities.

He added: "There is about £140,000 to spend on the park and we will now be setting up a steering group to discuss plans for exactly how we want the park to look."

Ward councillor Colette Bailey, who chaired Thursday's meeting, said there was money in the budget to spend on the improvements.

She added: "We want to design something that is durable and usable.

"The council's parks department has been working with local councillors and the Burnley Wood Community Action Group to put some ideas on paper.

"But these are not set in stone. The meeting was about discussing these ideas and asking residents for their ideas about what they would like and what they wouldn't like to see included in future proposals."

Other residents, including some from nearby Glebe Street, have called for improvements to the play area there, including a football pitch and building used as a youth club.