AN ecologist is trying to find out what is lurking in an Accrington pond.

Steve Taylor is carrying out a detailed survey of aquatic wildlife on the lodges of Arden Hall, Plantation Road.

He is attempting to record the number of different aquatic insects and plants present in the lodges and has already seen many dragonflies and damselflies, as well as netting a number of newts from the water.

The project was started by Hyndburn and Blackburn Angling Association and the Friends of Arden Hall who together are trying to preserve the local wildlife and history of the site.

The survey is being funded by a LEAF grant, which is given out by Lancashire County Council to support environmental projects.

The North West community ponds officer from the Pond Conservation Trust, Vicky Wilkins, is overseeing the project, which has also been supported by English Nature and the Heritage Lottery Fund.

Vicky said: " This is an exciting new project, which will greatly benefit the natural history of the site as well as improving and preserving the site for everyone in the local community to enjoy."

The information provided by the survey will allow the site to be managed for the benefit of existing wildlife.