A COUNCIL leader has offered to go head-to-head with his opposite number in Prime Minister's Question Time-style public debates.

The debates are scheduled to take place every two months at each Ribble Valley Borough Council meeting, where members of the public and councillors will also be given the opportunity to put their questions on local and national issues to council leader John Hill.

Mr Hill has invited Ribble Valley Liberal Democrat leader Frank Dyson to help him spice up the meetings with an unrehearsed debate on a hot topic of the day.

The first debate will take place tomorrow and members of the public will also be allowed to question Mr Hill for three minutes.

He said: "This is a dynamic initiative aimed at making local government in Ribble Valley even more open and accountable.

"I will take questions on the council's work or topical local and national issues. Questions falling within the remit of specific committees, however, will be referred to the appropriate chairman for a reply."