THE managing director of Europe's biggest garden centre which is to shut after only 18 months has reassured customers they will not loose their money.

Ged Clark made the announcement after it was revealed Lancashire Homes and Gardens, Haslingden, will cease trading, with the loss of 180 jobs.

It is believed the centre will cease trading at the end of September, when supermarket giant Tesco will take over the Syke Street site, hoping to create 350 jobs by 2005.

Over the Bank Holiday weekend bargain hunters turned up in their droves as prices were slashed in half.

But they were shocked at the closure announcemnet which comes just a year after it was reported profits at the £8 million complex were up 40 per cent.

Ken Nuttall, 71, who lives just yards away from the centre in St Peter's Avenue said he often visted the centre and restaurant.

He said: "There has being a lot of rumours going round that it was going to be turned into a nightclub.

"I was talking to the security guard who told me it had gone into liquidation, which is a surprise."

Brenda Cain, 71, of Park Lane, Whitefield, said nobody mentioned the closure when she visited the centre earlier in the week with her husband.

She added: "We came for a coffee and found the restaurant was shut.

"When we came in the week the store was getting ready for Christmas and nobody said anything. It is all a bit of a shock."

Mr Clark said the half price sale would end today after which they will review the opening of the centre.

He said: "All customers' orders will be honoured or their money will be refunded so they have nothing to worry about.

"We have been doing this already and the customers have been excellent."