LET readers may recall from our item a few weeks ago that pensioners who travel abroad for more than four weeks are deprived of pension Credit -- a top-up benefit for pensioners on low incomes -- and need to re-apply when they return. This causes hardship since older people face serious problems paying household expenses and bills while they wait for their benefits to be reinstated. Other benefits such as Housing Benefit are not cut until after 13 weeks. There are many reasons why an older person may need to spend more than four weeks abroad.

The need to travel abroad can be especially strong for many older people from black and minority ethnic communities where it is important to maintain links with their country of origin. Pensioners who have family living in this country are not penalised if they choose to visit them for more than four weeks, but many older people with families living abroad are having to cut their trips short.

We are pleased to report that several MPs in the Lancashire area have been kind enough to raise our concerns with the Pensions Minister, who has promised to look into this matter.

Meanwhile, if any readers have experienced this problem themselves we would encourage them to contact their MP so that their evidence can be taken on board.

GERALDINE MOORE, Chief Officer, Age Concern Lancashire, St Thomas's Road, Chorley.