A TRADERS' boss warned today that projects planned for Burnley town centre could have a devastating impact on shoppers this Christmas.

Angela Batty, secretary of the town's Chamber of Trade, said the loss of parking caused by the schemes could put people off - and turn them to Blackburn and Preston.

Two of the schemes - LIFT, which will create a leisure and health centre, and the plans for the former Pioneer site - will mean a loss of more than 700 spaces.

The Chamber, which represents business interest in the town, will meet to discuss the issue on September 13. Meanwhile, Burnley Council is looking for sites to be used as replacement parking areas.

Henry Boot Developments were chosen by the council to build the £50million retail park on the former Co-op store site, in Curzon Street.

And a new state-of-the-art health and leisure complex on the St Peter's car stack has been given outline planning permission and could be started as soon as December 2005.

Mrs Batty said: "We are very concerned, especially at the loss of St Peter's car park which has 500 spaces.

"If people cannot park they simply won't come here and will head for other rival towns.

"We have discussed the issue and do not see what can be done, but we are very worried. It would be better if work on the schemes could at least be held off until after Christmas."

Burnley Council has admitted the schemes will make the issue of parking in the town a problem.

In a report to the council, former executive member, Peter Kenyon, stated: "We will have a difficult task to perform to ensure sufficient town centre parking is available for the Christmas period."

And town centre manager, Lisa Durkin, also admitted it could be a problem. She said: "The loss of St Peter's town centre car park and the construction of the Pioneer site development does create interim parking issues for the town centre business community.

"The council is looking at alternative sites and temporary parking arrangements to compensate."