A MAN whose house has been flooded repeatedly in the past ten years because of a blocked drain has thanked the Citizen for coming to his rescue.

Following our front page story last week, Jean Hunter, chief executive of South Ribble Borough Council, made a special visit to Clive Taylor's Station Road home in Bamber Bridge to see the problem for herself.

Mrs Hunter said: "Mr Taylor has had an absolutely dreadful time and I thought it was the least thing I could do in order to get an understanding of the problems and the damage he is faced with.

"I can't believe what Mr Taylor has been through, it must have been awful.

"It's a big problem that needs solving and I wanted to assure Mr Taylor the council does care."

Now an emergency meeting has been called, earmarked for early September.

Councillors, council officers and Lancashire County Council will get together to discuss the problems faced by Mr Taylor and his neighbours. The issue will also be aired at the next Bamber Bridge area committee meeting on September 20.

Mrs Hunter said: "We are getting all the main players around the table and going to do our absolute best for Mr Taylor.

"It will not be something that happens overnight.

"But we will do our best to resolve the problem for all the residents who have experienced these problems."

Mr Taylor, 54, whose home was under 12 inches of water last week, is thrilled.

"I'm so pleased with the help the Citizen has given me and happy that something is finally going to happen.

"It's incredible that it's gone on for this long.

"What happened in Cornwall was a tragedy but that's a one-off.

"This is something that happens year-in, year-out to me. But I cannot thank the Citizen enough."