THE out-going head of a Burnley high school today spoke of his "enormous pride" in his former teachers and pupils.

Stephen Ball, 49, who left Ivy Bank Business and Enterprise College on Friday to become the new head at a Yorkshire school, thanked them for their professionalism and dedication after the school's most successful GCSE exam results ever.

Mr Ball, who has been headteacher at Ivy Bank for 10 years, said: "I am enormously proud of this school and the achievements and progress we have made over the last 10 years which have made Ivy Bank hugely popular and successful.

"The exam results are the best in the school's history and are getting better year on year.

"I would also like to than the teaching staff for their professionalism because they have done a wonderful job for the people of this part of Burnley."

Mr Ball also disagreed with those who claim exams are getting easier.

Mr Ball added: "I think what we have is a generation of young people, certainly at this school anyway, who have approached their exams seriously and maturely.

"I am perfectly satisfied that everything they have achieved is worthwhile and the results are a credit to them."

Mr Ball also praised new acting headteacher, Gill Broom.

He added: "Gill has been deputy head for five years and has made a massive contribution to the school and I have no doubt that she will lead us to more success in the future."

Ivy Bank has around 700 pupils and was granted Business and Enterprise status last in 2002.

In 2001 the school gained OFSTED recognition for being an outstanding comprehensive school.

This year 45 per cent of pupils gained A* to C grades.