CAMPAIGNERS against drink driving today blasted as "ridiculous" the fact a serial offender was allowed to walk free.

Catering worker Daniel Oliver Ward, 24, of Elmwood Street, Burnley, was allowed to walk free from Burnley Magistrates' Court after his third conviction - his second this year.

He was given a two-year community rehabilitation order, fined £200, and his road ban was extended until 2007.

John Sparrow, from the Campaign Against Drinking and Driving, branded the lenient sentence "ridiculous."

He said: "People can't be allowed to get away with doing things like this because the judges are sending out the wrong messages.

"This is telling people that they can get away with with drink driving.

"The courts need to get tough with people like this because it obviously hasn't hit home to this man that it's not acceptable to drive while intoxicated."

Zoe Stow, chairman of RoadPeace, which campaigns for more serious sentences for law-breaking drivers, explained: "To people who have children that have been hurt or killed by drink drivers, the most important thing to them is to get the driver off the road.

"The magistrates' guidelines show that there was an opportunity to give a substantial fine, a disqualification and even custody in these circumstances.

"If it's the second time this year then it's clear that the punishment isn't working."

She added: "It is disappointing that the magistrates have not used the full extent of their powers. Something must be done to say this won't be tolerated. Magistrates must realise because of their lenient treatment they are failing their duty to protect the rest of us."

The case has led to the parents of four-year-old Jo-Anne Sainsbury, who was killed in April 1998 by a motorist, now calling for tougher punishments.

Susan Sainsbury, of Cooper Street, Nelson, said: "RoadPeace are right when they say it will only be a matter of time before somebody is killed.

"I think it's disgusting that a tougher line has not been taken.

"This man is getting away with it and it's showing people that they too can get away with getting behind a wheel while drunk."