RESIDENTS in Colne, Foulridge, Laneshawbridge and Trawden are being invited to give their views on issues including crime, transport and education in their area.

A public consultation event is being held at Colne Market Hall tomorrow from 10am to 7pm, as part of the Colne Market Town Health Check, commissioned by the town centre forum.

The results of the study will be turned into an action plan for the regeneration of the town.

Local people will be able to add their comments to the consultation process and will be able to see what other people have suggested at earlier events. The BE Group, the consultants brought in to carry out the healthcheck have visited schools, retailers, businesses, community groups and outlying villages to gather views from a wide section of the community.

Peter Crompton, from BE Group, said: "We would encourage anyone who is interested in Colne's future to attend the event to comment on our findings so far and make their own views known."

Anyone who is unable to attend the event but would like more information can contact Peter Crompton on 01925 830007.