THE brother of a 34-year-old Accrington man whose body was found in a derelict house by children said the system had failed him.

Douglas Dewhurst, of Porter Street, died of a heroin, alcohol and prescription drug overdose, an inquest revealed. He was discovered in Empress Street by kids looking for a lost ball on June 24.

Mr Dewhurst was a drug addicted and had attempted suicide before after the break-up of his relationship, the inquest heard.

But coroner Michael Singleton recorded a verdict of misadventure. He said it was impossible to know whether Mr Dewhurst had intended to overdose.

Darren Dewhurst, 33, said his brother should have been helped by those paid to support vulnerable members of society. He said: "His cries for help were ignored.

"If anything good comes out of this it will be those responsible should be questioned about why he asked for help but never got it."