ARMED police have been sent into schools to highlight the shocking dangers of carrying replica guns.

Officers running a new campaign will explain to children in Hyndburn and Ribble Valley how even police often cannot tell between a false firearm and a real one.

And that could lead to a suspect being shot!

The initiative was started by PC Tracey Finn, community beat manager for Oswaldtwistle, who said she recently arrested youngsters playing with air rifles.

Known as 'Don't be a Target - STOP having fun with guns', the scheme is to be rolled out across Hyndburn and the neighbouring Ribble Valley.

PC Finn said: "With the increase in gun crimes across the North West, the general public are more alert to reporting these incidents as tremendous distress is often caused when people see teenagers playing with guns.

"I have already arrested four teenagers who were playing with air rifles on Roe Greave Road last month."

She added: "With the school holidays in full swing we have seen an increase in these types of incidents.

"Children and parents need to understand there are now very serious consequences if you possess an imitation firearm in public."

The campaign is already being run in Blackburn, using posters, leaflets and an educational package put together by two armed response officers, PC Anna Dent and PC Wendy Jacobs.

It was launched to highlight the change in legislation that now makes it a crime to possess a fake gun in public, as well as aims to reduce the number of incidents armed officers are sent to.

PC Jacobs said: "Because these guns are so realistic, playing with these weapons in public can cause considerable alarm and distress to innocent people, making them fear for their own safety.

"This can lead to the deployment of Armed Response Officers and other specialist units, who are diverted from regular crime fighting patrols, and will treat the matter extremely seriously."

Recent figures show that in the last four years there have been 45 shootings by police in England and Wales - 11 of those ending with the death of the offender

But just five of the incidents involved real firearms.

The six people shot dead because were carrying only imitation weapons, such as ball bearing guns or air rifles.

PC Finn was one the prize winners at last year's Pride of East Lancashire Awards night, scooping the Vocational Award.