HEALTH Minister Rosie Winterton is to visit East Lancashire to learn at first hand about its NHS dentistry crisis.

She will arrive in Accrington on September 23 to look at a new practice due to open in the town in October and meet local MP Greg Pope.Mr Pope -- who says the lack of NHS dentists is the biggest issue in his constituency mail bag -- also hopes that Rossendale and Darwen MP Janet Anderson will be able to meet Mrs Winterton.

When a new NHS dentist surgery in Rawtenstall in her constituency opened recently there were massive queues to register.

Mr Pope said: "Dentists appear to have been leaving the NHS in droves over the last year or so in this area.

"Constituents ringing NHS Direct to ask where the nearest NHS dentist is are being told to go to Oldham or Middleton which are both over 20 miles away.

"Only this week I spoke to a pensioner who had been offered an NHS dentist at the other side of Chorley, around 15 miles away." There have been similar problems in Burnley and Pendle and Ribble Valley Tory MP Nigel Evans has also tackled ministers on the issue.

Mr Pope said: "The Hyndburn/Ribble Valley Primary Care Trust is doing its best in difficult circumstances.

"I have liaised closely with its Chief Executive Mark Wilkinson and they have allocated extra money in this year's budget.

"I am delighted that the minister has confirmed that she will come and see the problems for herself and listen to my concerns and those of my constituents.

"The lack of NHS dentists in this area is top of my concerns at the moment and I am pleased that the government is now taking action and the extra £368million of government funding nationwide is most welcome.

"There is a real problem here and full marks to Rosie Winterton for agreeing to come here to meet with me and the local PCT rather than just staying at Whitehall.

"Rosie is coming at my invitation but Janet Anderson will also be involved as there is an equally big problem in her constituency."

As well as a shortage of NHS dentists, East Lancashire has some of the worse dental health, especially among children, in Britain.