FIRE crews will this week return to the scene of a house blaze to urge neighbours to learn lessons from what happened.

A teenager was dragged unconscious from the house, in Queen Street, Darwen, last Thursday. His mum, dad and three-year-old brother were also rescued.

Michael Williams, 17, is thought to have gone downstairs to try and tackle the chip pan blaze around 5am but was overcome by smoke. Firefighters pulled him to safety and he was taken to hospital, where he continues to receive treatment.

Now fire crews will visit neighbours to ensure they have smoke alarms installed -- as the Williams family did -- and that they have plans on how to escape any blaze in their homes.

Andy Taylor from Darwen Fire Station said: "The family had a very lucky escape, they could easily have been seriously injured or killed. This was a fire in the early hours of the morning when most people are asleep and would be unaware that their lives were at risk.

"Fortunately the family were alerted by a smoke detector which had been fitted by the Fire Service last year. This check is about much more than just having a smoke detector. Firefighters will point out any risks they see to avoid fires occurring, but will also explain what in case of a fire.