I'D like to take the opportunity through your letters page to thank everyone for their very generous donations to the Sudan Disaster Emergency Appeal.

I have been extremely encouraged by the kindness and concern of my constituents and I know that many will have made individual contributions to the appeal.

Special thanks must go to Lancaster Soroptomists for their valuable help at the coffee morning at Lancaster Town Hall which raised £650. I am delighted to tell you that the final total from that coffee morning, a car boot sale by members of Garstang Labour Party and donations from people in both Lancaster and Poulton-le-Fylde shopping centres is £1,248.00.

This amount will, for example, feed more than 28 families of five for two months or indeed provide much needed vital equipment such as water containers and purification tablets for many more.

As Chair of the Associate Parliamentary Group for Sudan I have encouraged my fellow MP's to raise money in their constituencies and I will be pressing the Government to double anything we raise.

This will add to the £63 million already contributed and to the £150 million promised on the conclusion of a Comprehensive Peace Agreement.

There is much more to be done to achieve and monitor a cease fire and agree a political settlement in Darfur but the priority at the moment is to save as many lives as possible.

Residents in Lancaster and Wyre constituency can be proud to say that they have helped to do just that.

Thank you.

Many more resources are needed and anyone can still contribute by ringing 08706060900.

Hilton Dawson MP