GET yourself down to the Charter Theatre, Preston, on Friday, September 17, and enjoy an evening of with the comic entertainers of television's Pheonix Nights.

The hilarious Paddy McGuiness, alias Paddy the door man, hosts and comperes and evening of fun packed quickfire stand up comedy, giggles, gags and songs with fellow Pheonix Nights stars, Archie Kelly (Kenny Senior), Janice Connolly (Holy Mary) and Steve Edge (Alan from Alanos), will be on stage from 8pm with a string of rib-tickling gags as part of The Jumping on the Bandwagon tour.

Imagine Morecambe and Wise and the Rat Pack on a big night at Corrie's Rovers Return and you'll get the picture of what the show is going to be like.

It promises to be variety at its best and, if you're a Pheonix Nights fan or love raw wit, then this one-night only show is one you will not want to miss.

Tickets are £13.50. Call 01772 258858 for bookings.