A WORKING group will be set up by Burnley council to try and get the borough's recycling services up and running again.

The move follows a meeting of the Environment Scrutiny Committee to consider the outcome of an investigation into the borough's suspension of its green schemes.

The working group will oversee liaisons with Biffa, the company contracted to carry out waste collection services, to see if the council can afford to bring the recycling schemes back.

The top-level probe held last month into the council's decision to bin fortnightly collections of glass and cans concluded that one of the main reasons for the suspension was confusion between Biffa and the council over the quoted cost of the contract on the table. The council said tit was told by Biffa it could save 25 per cent by switching to a fortnightly refuse collection, cash which could pay for recycling.

But Biffa claim the savings referred to savings on resources not costs.

The green services were suspended earlier this year after Burnley Council said it could no longer afford them following a rise in the price quoted them by Biffa for the collections. Biffa has now agreed to look at their prices again.

Members of the Environment Scrutiny Committee, which met yesterday, agreed to consider Biffa's new pricings and to look at all the options open to the council for the future of waste and recycling services, including employing a new contractor to replace Biffa when their contract runs out in March 2007.