A TEENAGE girl was sexually assaulted as she walked home.

The 15-year-old was walking near the Phillip's Lane chip shop, in Burnley Road, Colne, at about 10.30pm.

She was followed into a back alley and subjected to a serious sexual assault.

The attacker was described as white, in his 40s, 5ft 5in and stocky. He wore a waist-length cream jacket, blue jeans and a flat cap.

Inspector Dermott Horrigan, of Pendle CID, said: "This was a particularly nasty attack on a young woman who was simply walking home.

"It is important we identify the individual responsible as quickly as possible."

Anyone with information about the attack on Friday should call Pendle CID on 01282 472643 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.