EXPERTS who study anti-social behaviour could visit East Lancashire to help make authorities tougher on yobs.

Authorities throughout the area have used Anti-social Behaviour Orders (ASBOs)to stop troublemakers and protect local communities since 1999.

Now 'ASBO Ambassadors' could be sent to local councils to show how to use the powers.

In East Lancashire, ASBOs have been stop persistent troublemakers like Michael Aspin, from Church, who repeatedly stole from town centre shops in Accrington. He was given a three-year order earlier this month.

In Burnley, two brothers were recently given handed an ASBO. Teenagers Anthony and Daniel Waddington of Brunshaw Avenue were banned from an estate.

If the orders are broken offenders can face a jail term.

In the last five years 2,600 ASBOs have been issued, and the Government would like to see more.

Home Secretary David Blunkett hopes to cut anti-social behaviour by 15 per cent by 2008, but there are fears that the orders are not a long term solution.