HYNDBURN Council has reassured an Oswaldtwistle pensioner whose flat flooded for the second time in three weeks.

Ivy Brogden, 72, had to call the fire brigade out last Wednesday to help stem the flow of water into her flat, in Kingfisher Court, in Heron Way.

The flood, the third in a year, damaged the carpets in the kitchen, living room and hall of her home.

Mrs Brogden had called the council in after the first of the two recent floods and work had been done to seal her walls against the water that runs off nearby playing fields in bad weather, flows down Heron Way, and collects outside her home.

But it was not enough to protect her after last week's downpour.

Rona Courtney, housing business manager for the council, said a worker from the housing department had gone out to Mrs Brogden's home, but had to report the problem to the highways department because it was being caused by the drains. In the meantime the second flood occurred.

She said: "The gullies outside overflowed during the heavy rain and that water seeped in through the walls.

"The highways department is going to be cleaning and jetting through the drains to remove any blockages and the problem will be investigated. We will be able to look at the walls once the drainage has been sorted out.

"We have a lot of sympathy with Mrs Brogden and her ordeal, but I can assure her that we are on the case and hope to get it sorted out as quickly as possible."