SIX months ago, young Haitian Alex Juin was living through the traumas of a civil war.

But having fled his homeland the hairdresser has started a new life, bringing a touch of Caribbean style to a Rossendale hair salon.

Alex, 24, escaped from Haiti earlier this year following an uprising against the President Jean-Bertrand Aristide.

Now he is building a new life in England, where he has been given a job with Antony and Patricia's salon in Rawtenstall.

Alex said: "I worked in a hairdressing firm in Haiti but it was very different. People have much different styles.

"I need to go back to college here to learn the fundamentals about how to cut hair for British people."

Tony Winder of Antony and Patricia's who offered Alex a chance to train in Rawtenstall believes the decision will pay off for Alex and his salon.

He said: "Despite what Alex has been through back in Haiti he has managed to fit in well here.

"He wanted a chance to show what he could do and we were happy to give him that. He's shown great talent.

"He is still learning English so he is a little shy but he has already shown a touch of Caribbean flair. I am sure he will be a real asset."

Alex was brought to England by Philip Norris a Free Church Bishop in Haiti.

He said: "Alex needed someone who would believe in him and we were delighted when Tony showed faith in him.

"Life is very difficult for the average Haitian. Money and food are scarce and during the uprising it was very dangerous. By coming here Alex has a chance of a better life.

"He sends money home to help his family and is determined to make the most of this."