EAST Lancashire MPs Janet Anderson and Greg Pope are being tipped at Westminster for a return to Government.

Labour Party insiders think they could be brought back as Ministers in the reshuffle expected before a General Election next spring or early summer.

Colleagues - both ministerial and back benchers - believe both were badly treated when they were dropped in the 2001 post-election reshuffle.

Rossendale and Darwen MP Mrs Anderson had travelled the country during the foot and mouth epidemic in her capacity as Tourism Minister to try and keep visitors coming to rural Britain.

Similarly, Hyndburn's Mr Pope had not only done his own job as Government Whip but also steered several other Bills through the Commons. But both were sidelined in the wake of Labour's second landslide.

Many people believe it was because of a desire by Mr Blair to get rid of the majority of people who had been in the Government Whip's office when Nick Brown, a close friend of Chancellor Gordon Brown, had been in charge. Despite doing his best as Agriculture Minister in the Cabinet and Work Minister outside it, he too found himself reduced to the back benches in the last reshuffle.

But now there are signs that Mr Blair is rethinking and Mr Brown himself and his former team may be back in favour at Number 10.

When after deep thought Mrs Anderson, originally concerned about the possibility of university tuition fees, changed her mind and decided they were the best option, she made a devastating speech supporting them in the Parliamentary Labour Party.

She received an enthusiastic note from Mr Blair congratulating her and thanking her for her audacity and persuasive rhetoric.

This has led to speculation at Westminster that ministerial office is back on the agenda for her. And recent problems with the Government Whip's office has led to insiders predicting a return for Mr Pope to his old job.

Mr Pope said: "I am happy being a backbencher but will serve the Prime Minister, the Labour Party and the country in whatever capacity I am asked.

"I certainly think Janet is long overdue for a return to government and I know that is the view of several people in Westminster and in government."

Veteran MP and Deputy Speaker John McWilliam said: "I think Janet and Greg were harshly treated."

A spokeswoman for Mrs Anderson said: "Janet considers her main job as representing the people of Rossendale and Darwen at Parliament but she is happy to serve the government and the country in whatever capacity the Prime Minister decides."