THE statements by SAVE British Heritage (LET, August 27) in support of the residents in the proposed Redearth Street clearance area contrasts vividly with statements made by Blackburn with Darwen Council officers who claim it would "cost more to renovate than demolish."

The heritage charity states the houses are worth about £60,000 and would cost £30,000 to renovate. With average house prices in East Lancashire valued at well over £100,000, and terraced houses in Darwen being advertised for sale at between £40,000 and £90,000, the analysis of the heritage charity seems more reliable.

It is little wonder that residents are reported protesting to avoid demolition of their homes? Clearly the council's version of 'market value' is something different from reality.

House prices have rocketed out of control, partly due to the failed policies of successive Tory and New Labour governments. Government should have a responsibility to ensure enough money is available for house owners if their houses are to be compulsory purchased.

Have the Darwen residents under threat of losing their homes been informed of the option of Relocation Grants being added to the market value of their home? If they have not then they should have been. It is within the council's responsibility and remit to pay these grants.

The object of paying them is to form a bridge between the market value and the cost of buying a house in a nearby and clearly defined area. Also to keep communities together where it is practical and desirable.

It has already been tried and tested in a 150-house clearance programme in the Bank Top area of Blackburn and proved successful in achieving the previously mentioned objectives.

Perhaps more importantly, it provided an economic boost in an area in which, for many years, houses had been difficult to sell and house prices had been falling.

The residents who are campaigning to defend their homes and communities are campaigning for a worthy and honourable cause and deserve full and unqualified support from their elected representatives.

DON RISHTON, Livesey Branch Road, Blackburn.