TWO people have been arrested in connection with a chemical attack on an elderly Ainsworth woman.

The 78-year-old victim had to be taken to hospital after she inhaled toxic fumes from a rag pushed through the letterbox at her home in Sumner Avenue.

A police officer called to the property, also needed treatment when he sniffed the piece of cloth which was covered in a yellow powder.

There was a full-scale alert as specialist chemical units attended the scene at 10.30am on Sunday.

Two firefighters wearing chemical protection suits and breathing apparatus entered the house to retrieve the rag.

Tests made at the scene by chemical specialists were unsuccessful in identifying the substance which caused the pensioner and the policeman to suffer headaches, dizziness and nausea. Both were later given the all-clear by hospital doctors.

Two local men, aged 24 and 21, were later arrested in connection with the incident. Both been bailed pending further enquiries.