BURY South MP Ivan Lewis has heaped praise on local pupils for their "tremendous" exam results.

The education minister also issued an encouraging "back to school" message for the new term.

He said: "I am proud of the tremendous results we have seen in Bury once again this summer. This reflects tremendous credit on school heads, teachers and the support staff who work so hard to maintain high standards.

"We are also blessed with well motivated pupils, a vast majority of families who value education and a local education authority which is one of the best in the country."

Mr Lewis said the start of a new school year could be daunting for pupils, especially those starting at a new school, moving from primary to secondary school and those entering the year of important examinations.

He added: "I want to wish pupils, parents and school staff well at this exciting but challenging time."

The minister, who himself was taunted at school, said he was continuing his work with Esther Rantzen and Childline to tackle bullying.

He said: "While there are no easy or quick-fix solutions, we have a duty working with schools to seek a zero tolerance approach to bullying in schools and communities."

Mr Lewis also said he was looking forward to helping progress the new state-of-the-art school for Radcliffe and celebrating the beginning of specialist status for Parrenthorn and Prestwich Community High schools.