A REVIEW of town centre car parking in Burnley has been launched amid fears trade may be driven away over Christmas.

Earlier this week Chamber of Trade members spoke of their fears that a number of developments in the town centre would push shoppers to rival towns.

St Peter's multi-storey car park will close next month, with the loss of around 350 spaces, to allow work to start on a new leisure and health centre.

But Burnley Council has confirmed it will opening up extra spaces in Active Way and the former Pioneer site to counter most of the losses.

Work on a shopping development at the Pioneer site will not start until next year.

David Brown, the council's director of environment, said: "The council is aware development of St Peter's and Pioneer, together with plans for a JobCentre Plus on the Town Hall car park, will have an impact on car parking in the town. We are reviewing our car parking strategy to make sure we have enough spaces for everyone."