FRIENDS of Atherton man Phil Baker, who died in June from cancer, will be walking around the Rivington area on Saturday to raise funds for Christies.

Phil, who was 51, moved to Atherton from Swinton in 1976 and worked at the Royal Ordnance Factory in Patricroft then moved to their site in Chorley which eventually became part of BAE Systems.

Keen cyclist and keep fit enthusiast Phil belonged to various gyms and took part in many charity rides before his death in June including a 130 miles journey from Birtley to Chorley.

Phil had a thirst for knowledge and studied many subjects some with the OU and some at local colleges which led to him getting an MBA from Manchester Business School in 2001. Daughters Lynsey, 25, Jillian, 24, and four year old grandson Owen will remember Phil on Saturday when over 100 family members, friends and work colleagues step out for Christies.

More details from challenge co-ordinator Dawn Whittingham on 01257 242507. Charity supporters are invited to join the gentle six to eight miles ramble which starts at 11am with a barbecue afterwards.

If you would like to take part email Janice Burns at