DESIGNS for streetscaping one of Accrington's main shopping areas could be chosen by the New Year.

Hyndburn Council is hoping to give Broadway a makeover, to include street furniture, in a scheme which could cost as much as £250,000.

Plans were in the pipeline to organise a design competition, attracting big names from across the country.

But competition plans were scrapped after the council decided that a simpler design would be just as good.

Now a selection process could begin as soon as this month, with a consultant appointed in October. Design options would then be produced for consultation by December, with approval from the council's cabinet in January.

Private sponsorship is likely to be sought for some of the work.

At a meeting to be held next week, the council's cabinet is expected to approve the plans for appointing a consultant. If the scheme is passed, the streetscaping is likely to be 'attractive, practical, user friendly and financially deliverable'.