HINDLEY people and traders have played a part in revitalising their gridlocked town centre.

Their views were taken on board by planners and have helped shape a new look for Hindley.

Plans will go on display at the Monaco in Atherton Road on Monday, September 6 (3pm- 7pm) and Friday, September 10 (11am-4pm), and once again engineers want to hear public opinion.

Last year planners asked for views on the proposed traffic management scheme and plans to modernise the town centre, and council engineers were delighted with the shopping list of ideas collected at local level.

Some have been incorporated into the scheme. For example engineers are looking at ways of easing congestion at the Market Street-Ladies Lane-Bridge Street roundabout by moving bus stops.

Council engineer Peter Wickett said: "Traffic flow in Hindley is extremely complex. This bus stop change is the most satisfactory solution to a continuing problem.

"We've worked with councillors for the area and the public to look for the best way forward for residents, commuters and businesses. We urge everyone to go and see the plans and let us know what they think."

The Hindley Centreplan pages can be found on Wigan Council's website : www.wiganmbc.gov.uk