ANGRY residents in one of Darwen's most historic areas have launched a petition fearing cash earmarked for renovating their streets has been withdrawn.

The group claims central government money set aside for the regeneration of Church Terrace and Bank Street, in the St Peter's conservation area, has failed to materialise. And it believes a difference of opinion between Blackburn with Darwen council planners and English Heritage is to blame.

The council wants to make the street more user-friendly, with block paving, parking bays and trees. But English Heritage argues the street should be returned to its former glory with cobblestones, traditional street-lamps and metal railings.

The residents, led by former councillor Derek Brindle, were sending the 75-signature petition to council chief Phil Watson today.

Mr Brindle said he was fuming after being told by the council's regeneration department that the cash was now being spent at the other end of town. Mr Brindle, of Church Terrace, said: "We feel totally let down. Nobody has bothered to contact any residents to allay any fears they may have."

Church Terrace, built in 1882, was traditionally the home of the mayor in his year of office until the houses were sold in the 1930s. Bank Street was frequented by stars including Charlie Chaplin who performed in the Theatre Royal, demolished in the 1970s.

But in recent years the street has fallen into disrepair. Many residents have scrapped renovation plans expecting improvements to begin soon.

Brenda Grime, 68, who has lived in Church Terrace for 50 years, said: "We have spent all our earnings maintaining this house because it's a heritage building. The council is not giving us any information about what's going on."

Blackburn with Darwen Council said the regeneration scheme would go ahead but would take longer than planned because English Heritage and the Commission for Architecture & the Built Environment (CABE) must first be satisfied with the scheme.

Consultation of residents is to begin on September 22.