THE family of a teenager left fighting for his life after an alleged assault were today keeping a bedside vigil.

Alex McGee, 15, of Hillside Road, Haslingden, was taken to the intensive care unit at Pendlebury Children's Hospital, Manchester, with serious head injuries that left him in a critical condition.

A 16-year-old boy has been questioned by police following the alleged attack.

The teen from the Haslingden area was arrested yesterday but was later released on bail pending further inquiries.

Detectives think the injured boy was assaulted in Poplar Street at around 2pm on Bank Holiday Monday.

They believe a fight broke out as a result of a long-running feud between the two.

He was able to make his way home, where he collapsed and his family called paramedics.

His devastated mum, Elaine Roberts, has remained at his bedside.

His brother, Steven Roberts, 27, and sister Lianne Webb, 25, who both live in Haslingden, were today were hoping Alex will wake up after finishing a course of medication.

Steven said: "We hope and pray every day he will come through this.

"Its been a hard time, especially for our mum as she has been sleeping at the hospital every night by his side."