MARKET traders in Rawtenstall fear their livelihoods are being put in jeopardy after being left without any management for more than six months.

Traders say council chiefs have constantly snubbed meetings to discuss the vacant market manager's post.

But Mark Weston, director of corporate support, today assured traders that the role will be filled following a re-organisation of council staff.

Steve Caswell, Rawtenstall's former market manager, vacated the role in January, leaving the council's environmental health team with rent collection duties.

Joan Whiteley, who has been running stalls on the market for 24 years, was today aiming to drum up support by encouraging shoppers and traders to sign a petition: 'Fight for the Right to Proper Management'.

The traders' representative is to present the petition to Rossendale Council.

Joan, 64, who runs J and Rs Biscuits stall with her husband Raymond, said: "We don't want to have to wait any longer for a market manager. It has been left long enough and it's getting to the point where the market is going to fall into serious trouble if a manager is not employed here soon.

"The traders have nobody to turn to with any problems they may have and empty stalls - although we only have a few at the moment - are not been filled.

"Some people have spent thousands of pounds setting up their businesses but without a market manager I can only see things getting a lot worse.

"Our livelihoods are in jeopardy. We need a manager and we need one now."

Rossendale's MP Janet Anderson has backed the traders' campaign by sending Joan a letter of interest.

She said: "I have contacted Rossendale Council but have not had a response. I am appalled the council haven't responded to the traders' concerns. I think it's extremely important that the market has a manager."

But Mr Weston assured stallholders they would not have to wait too long for a replacement. He added: "I have written to the traders to say that the post is being covered by existing employees but as to date there is a re-organisation of the council going on.

"The post of market manager is not actually affected by that and it's our intention to cover that position."