A MAN who fired an air rifle at another man to frighten him has been ordered to carry out a 150 hour community punishment order.

Michael Brennan, aged 20, of Devon Street, Leigh, was told by Judge Denis Clark that firing such a weapon could have led to him facing a murder charge.

He had pleaded guilty at Liverpoool Crown Court to common assault and using threatening behaviour.

Lloyd Morgan, prosecuting, said that on March 31 Brennan was in Manchester Road, Leigh, with three friends when he fired an air rifle in the direction of Sean Outteridge.

Mr Outteridge telephoned the police and went home but Brennan and a couple of friends went to his house in Leigh and threatened to assault him.

Brennan was arrested and admitted the offences.

The court heard that Brennan, who has no previous convictions, admitted firing the weapon to frighten the victim, with whom he had fallen out, but had not intended to hit him.