MAYORS past, present and future joined in the fun of an estate's community festival -- and thanks to a Journal appeal were able to do it to music.

Ex-Mayor Jimmy Jones was joined by standing Mayor Cllr John Hilton and next year's Mayor Cllr Brian Jarvis, all pictured, at the Higher Folds event which rocked to the sounds of a calypso band from Stockport which volunteered its services following a Residents' Association call through the paper.

Following a short parade around the estate on a float lent by W Roberts Transport and decorated by Barbara Campbell, Stacey Foy was crowned carnival queen accompanied by her retinue of flower girls Mollie Egerton and Toni Louise Royal and crown bearer Rhyce Parkinson.

Entertainment was provided by the estate's Juliette Morris Dancers and 26th Leigh Brownies.

Leigh spokesman for the Residents' Association, Jacquie Farrington, said the event had been a great day for the estate.