ROAD safety experts in Leigh and Hindley are hoping to educate everyone getting ready to go back to school about how to stay safe on the roads.

With schools reopening their doors this week after the long summer holidays, Wigan Council Road Safety staff are getting home the message on everything from crossing in confidence to cutting back on the dreaded school run.

Firstly, the team is urging parents and pupils to think about ways they can get to school without using the car.

If parents must drive their children to school, Wigan road safety boss Julie Windeler asks that they park well away from school buildings and do not park on the yellow zig zag lines.

Speed is Julie's next priority and she is asking all drivers to allow extra time for their morning journey rather than upping the revs.

Julie's team is working with schools to encourage different ways to get to schools. One is the Walking Bus initiative.

This sees an adult collecting children from their homes and leading them to school in a line.

To find out more about how the Road Safety team can make the school journey safer call 01942 488250.