Open House, with BILL JACOBS. . .

UNSURPRISINGLY East Lancashire's lone Tory MP Nigel Evans has seized upon reports that the European Union's chief Romano Prodi is trying to hijack Britain's Olympic glory.

He has been reported suggesting that all UK and other athletes in the European Union should wear the EU flag, as well as their own national flag in future sporting tournaments.

Mr Prodi has been vilified by Euro sceptics and the right wing press.

Furious Ribble Valley MP Mr Evans has written to Tony Blair demanding action. He said: "I have asked Mr Blair to make it clear that he will not allow this shameless glory-grabbing by the EU to go ahead.

"Britain's medals in the Olympics were won by British athletes for Britain. If Mr Prodi really believes that someone like Amir Khan should drape an EU flag around him, then he is clearly more deluded than we all thought."

The only sadness is that there is no Olympic event for jumping on a political bandwagon. If there was, Nigel would be a sure-fire gold medallist for Britain!

STILL on sport, Hyndburn MP and lifelong Rovers fan Greg Pope wants to introduce a new 'Ferguson's law'.

This would prevent Manchester United being allowed extra time to score a late equaliser they don't deserve. His proposal follows anger at the Reds' last-minute equaliser at Ewood Park over the Bank Holiday weekend.

A furious Mr Pope said: "I am sick and tired of United getting too much extra time and getting the equaliser. I am so cross I am thinking of trying to introduce a new law which prevents United getting extra time to score undeserved equalisers."

JANET Anderson went on a spending spree at Bacup Rotary Club Charity Auction. She bought a rowing machine to go in her Darwen home as part of a drive to get fit for the General Election, and a Spanish guitar vowing to learn to play it.