LAST week saw continued heavy rain and water levels on the rise again.

On Wednesday evening Island Lodge was the venue for a small junior match carrying plenty of colour.

Top weight fell to six-year-old Callum Hogan with 1-11-0 of roach and perch to win a reel.

In second place was Ashley Hill (1-8-8).

On the same evening, in ideal conditions, a pleasure angler fishing the tip had 14lb of quality bream from peg 11. The fish were clearly bubbling.

Also, on Thursday evening, Island Lodge was the venue for the final match of the target series which has run every week since May, however, the target weight was not achieved.

Top weight fell to John Fletcher with 6-11-7. In second place was Chris Hogan (6-11-2) while there was a tie for third place between Daz Shaw and Vinnie Rooney with 4-4-0.

They also shared the section prize on the streamside.

Alan Crook took the section prize on the roadside with 3-8-6.

On Sunday, the club travelled to Foulridge Reservoir near Colne to fish the Cookes Senior Cup.

This proved a popular venue with a good turnout.

The water level was well down making the bankside pegs treacherous, negotiating the large rocks to get down to the water level.

Despite periods of heavy rain and strong winds and backlash from boats the venue produced some quality bream taken on tip and roach taken on float tactics.

Top weight fell to John Fletcher with quality bream and roach taken at distance, together with a quality tench to weigh 13-0-0.

In second place was Roger Lightbown (9-9-0) with roach taken on whip, while third place fell to Dave Waggler fishing pole, who had an all roach catch plus one bream for 8-13-0.

In fourth place was Steve Mellor with three quality bream for 8-11-0 and that's despite losing a massive bream which pulled the hook and remained floating on the surface for several minutes.


FOULRIDGE Reservoir is the venue for this Sunday's club club match for the Harold Hoyle Plate.

Draw 8.15am, fishing from 9am to 3pm.

The fieldside has been booked.



NEXT club trip is this Sunday, out of Conway to fish aboard Lady Gwen II.



THE heavy rains of the past week have caused considerable damage to the weir above Coffin Lodge.

It has undermined the concrete sluice channel which feeds the lodge causing the end section to disintegrate and collapse into Kirklees Brook.

This will cause future problems maintaining water levels in the Coffin Lodge.

The club had a committee meeting on Monday, September 6 at Elton Liberal Club, commencing 7.30pm.

It is with deep regret that I have to report the death of an old member of the club, Maurice Clifford, at the age of 79.

Maurice was a former fishing colleague of the late Roy Edwards and Bill Treen.