RE the letter from Mr W Woods (LET, August 31).

Hitler hoped the British Government would make an alliance with him. He thought a great deal about the English.

His would have been a strict regime but fair, the working man had nothing to fear from Hitler. The Capitalists had.

0 How many of these people in our society today are ripping the ordinary working people off? It would have been the same for everyone.

Paedophiles, perverts, murderers, would all have been shot, drug addicts would disappear overnight.

Hitler would have no Government to face because they would all have been long gone to America.

The Royal Family, the Crown Jewels and art treasures would be in Canada. America came into the war knowing that if England fell it would have been the start of German world domination. Yes, Mr Woods I would have lived with the German Rrgime.

K SCOTT, Livesey Branch Road, Blackburn.