SINCE when did swearing in the dug-out become a sending off offence?

I'm led to believe that's the sole reason Steve Cotterill was sent to the stands last Monday on a black day for the Clarets - a few naughty words at a sensitive official.

What a load of old *******.

Suddenly, the self-righteous deem themselves beyond question, when it seems crystal clear to the rest of us that four-letter words are often the only language they understand.

Well, that and the players of course!

Industrial language is a part and parcel of every facet of life these days. Harry Potts and Jimmy Adamson might not have approved, or for that matter contributed to the debate, but there's little doubt that swearing is also now part of the modern manager's armoury.

You don't agree? Well try watching a live, televised game and lip reading for five minutes!

To get your point across to the players, or the referee, what better way than to use a barrage of obscenities?

Besides, at the moment, a bigger problem for Steve is the number of players he has to bellow at!

We all know the squad is in need of strengthening. It's something I wrote about a few weeks ago, leading Steve to march up to me at the club and bellow: "Andy, don't you think I don't know I need a ******* striker?"

(See what I mean about industrial language?)

However, although the aforementioned 'big man' would certainly be a welcome addition, I'm not altogether sure Steve won't look to strengthen the areas in behind the front men first.

Watching Monday's game against Gillingham, it was blatantly obvious to me that Richard Chaplow needs a rest (and I don't just mean this 12-day break).

Young Chappy is undoubtedly going to be a star, but had he been playing at a Premiership club now, or any club with a larger squad for that matter, I feel sure he would still be dropped in and out of the team.

When he was shunted wide, he went missing and that exposes another main problem - a lack of quality balls whizzing into the box from wide.

Finally, there's the problem of central defensive cover should either John McGreal or Frank Sinclair suffer either injury or suspension.

There's plenty for Steve to chew over as he takes stock, so don't be surprised if any new faces that arrive in the near future are not necessarily the giant striker everyone is expecting!