A DEDICATED doctor who "loved his job and the people of Bury" has died at age of 42.

Dr Mohammed Nawaz, who worked in the accident and emergency department at Fairfield Hospital, died on Friday at his home in Canning Street, Bury.

The father of four young children had come to Britain in 1997 to continue his studies. He had worked at various hospitals in Scotland and Ireland before coming to Bury in 1998.

It is understood that the popular medic died of natural causes.

His wife of 14 years, Mrs Ghzala Nawaz (32) who lived in Pakistan with her four children, said: "He loved Bury, and the people. We were all planning to settle here.

"He was a brilliant doctor who loved his job so much. In Pakistan he would help those who could not afford treatment. He was a dedicated doctor and would spend as much time as was needed with his patients."

She added: "He had a brilliant career ahead of him. He would study so hard all the time."

Dr Nawaz is survived by his wife and children Ehmad (13), Amara (10), Ali, aged five and 13-month-old Anas. The family are planning to fly the body back to Pakistan.

Consultant in accident and emergency at Fairfield General Hospital, Dr Kassim Ali said: "All staff are shocked and saddened. Our thoughts are with Dr Nawaz's family."