THE dismal weather might have put a damper on this year's crop of garden produce, but that didn't stop Leyland being in full bloom on Saturday as members of Leyland and District Chrysanthemum and Horticultural Society unveiled their prized delights.

St Ambrose Church, Moss Lane, was a colourful and fragrant haven for more than 100 green-fingered enthusiasts as people flocked to the society's annual Grand Summer Show.

As well as enjoying the fruits of society members' labours, and getting a few tips and ideas on making their garden bloom, many visitors brought along home-grown contributions to see how they would fare in the show's competitions.

Little Emonie Harrison, five, of St Anne's Road, Leyland, proved to be a budding Charlie Dimmock after scooping first prize in the children's section, while Alan Paisey, also a judge at the event, was a clear winner in the vegetable category with his gigantic cabbage.

The stunning floral art displays won many an admiring glance from visitors and the town's mayor, Councillor Matthew Tomlinson and wife, Norma.

President of the society, Joan Longforth, said: "The show was a good and fun event which attracted many people, both young and old, and there was a real community atmosphere.

"The weather restricted the number of flowers and vegetables we could grow but the displays and contributions were still marvellous all the same."